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A Spaghetti dish from the Mani region called “Tsouchti”

In Mani, due to the wild landscape, the materials available were scarce. That's why all the traditional Mani dishes are simple, with (relatively) few ingredients and with not as wide variety as in other places.

Tsouchti is the traditional pasta dish of Mani. It’s made with thick pasta, myzithra cheese, fresh butter and a fried egg that makes a world of difference.


Hands on:              5 minutes

Cooking Time: 10 -12 minutes

Serves:                  3-4

a spaghetti from Mani called tschouchti


500gr (1,1 lb) spaghetti (preferably thick pasta)

1 or 2 fried eggs (per person)

Greek salt-dried Mizithra cheese (or Italian ricotta salata)

Fresh Butter (try the Corfu butter)

Pepper (freshly grounded)


How to do it

  1. Boil the spaghetti pasta according to the package instructions. When ready drain using a colander and place the pasta back to the pot.

  2. In a pan, add some butter and let it get warm.

  3. Then add the finely grated mizithra cheese and mix with the butter until the cheese gets golden brown.

  4. Add the burnt-roasted cheese in the pot and mix it well with the spaghetti pasta.

  5. Serve the spaghetti.

  6. Take a pan and fry the eggs the way you like them. You can add 1 or 2 eggs per person.

  7. Serve them over the spaghetti dishes.

  8. Add some freshly grounded pepper on the fried eggs and sprinkle with some grated mizithra cheese if you like.

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